Charlotte Fairy Bouquet
Charlotte Fairy Bouquet
The Charlotte Bouquet is a whimsical enchantment that captures the magic of a fairy garden. Bursting with vibrant colors, it features four striking hot pink gerberas that radiate joy and playfulness, reminiscent of a blooming meadow in spring. Nestled among them is a fluffy white pom pom, adding a touch of softness and whimsy. A delicate light purple pom pom introduces a gentle hue, while two stalks of purple statice provide a rich, enchanting contrast that evokes a sense of wonder. This bouquet, with its fairy-inspired charm, is perfect for celebrations, magical gatherings, or simply to bring a bit of fantasy into your everyday life.
White Pom Pom (1 Stalk), Hot Pink Gerbera (4 Stems), Light Purple Pom Pom(1 Stalk), Purple Statice (2 Stalks).
2-4 days
Delivery Information
Delivery Information
- Order by 4PM for same-day delivery.
- We deliver via Lalamove, but you may also arrange your own Grab or Lalamove.
- For your preferred delivery timing, please include a note in the remarks. However, we will still contact the receiver before delivery unless we are unable to reach them.
Important Policy!
Important Policy!
- We are not responsible for unsuccessful delivery caused by customer's negligence. Kindly provide both shipping and billing phone number before proceed.
- For any order cancellation due to customer's negligence, we will charge 10% of the total paid.
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